Little Humans

Staffordshire CIC

Company number 14094229

At Little Humans CIC, we are dedicated to fostering the holistic development of infants and toddlers through engaging, nurturing, and inclusive baby and toddler groups. Our mission is to provide a safe and supporting environment where children, parents and caregivers can come together to explore, create, learn and grow.

Our volunteers are peer support trained and DBS checked.


We envision a community where every child has the opportunity to thrive in their early years, laying the foundation for a lifetime of physical, cognitive and emotional well-being. We believe that early social interaction and bonding with peers and caregivers are essential for healthy development and future success.


1.Inclusivity: we celebrate diversity and welcome families from all backgrounds, cultures and abilities. We strive to create an inclusive space where everyone feels valued, respected and accepted.

2.Safety: The safety and wellbeing of children and families are our top priorities. We maintain a safe, clean and child friendly environment, adhering to the highest standards of health and safety protocols.

3.Creativity: We encourage creativity and imagination through hands-on activities, sensory play and crafts. Our programs are designed to stimulate curiosity, inspire exploration, and foster a love of learning in your children.

4.Learning: We believe that every moment is an opportunity for learning and growth. Our baby and toddler groups provide developmentally appropriate activities that promote cognitive, language, motor and social emotional skills.

5.Community: We recognise the importance of community and the power of connection. Our groups offer parents and caregivers a supportive network where they can share experiences, exchange resources, and build lasting friendships.


BABY SENSORY PLAY: Our sensory-rich activities stimulate the senses and promote cognitive development, language acquisition, and sensory integration in infants.

TODDLER CRAFTS: Through hands-on art and craft activities, toddlers explore materials, experiment with textures, and develop fine motor skills while unleashing their creativity.



Our groups provide opportunities for children to interact with peers in a supportive and supervised setting, fostering the development of social skills such as sharing, communication and cooperation.


Parents and caregivers have the chance to connect with each other, share parenting experiences, and build supportive relationships, while their children engage in supervised play activities.

Through hands-on art and craft activities, toddlers explore materials, experiment with textures, and develop fine motor skills while unleashing their creativity.


By providing a safe and nurturing environment for babies, toddlers, and their families we aim to make a positive impact on their physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development. We believe that investing in early childhood development lays the foundation for a healthier, happier and more prosperous future for individuals and communities alike.


We invite you to join us in our mission to support the healthy development of young children and families. Whether you are a parent, caregiver, volunteer, donor, or community partner, your involvement makes a difference in the lives of those we service. Together, we can create a brighter future for our children and our community.

The early social interaction and bonding with other children and adults is vital for a healthy physical and mental development.[1]

[1] Public health England. 2021. ‘Children and Health in Early Years’. Available at: