Little Humans Staffordshire CIC

Little Humans Staffordshire CIC

Company number 14094229

Little Humans Staffordshire CIC is combining all children related activities, from toddler groups and infant feeding groups, to craft sessions and sensory play. Our volunteers are peer support trained and DBS checked.

The craft and sensory sessions are aimed at the older toddlers, giving them a safe space to be creative, learn new skills, develop team building and other social skills. Currently groups are held on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.

During these groups we also provide a safe space for parents to communicate with other parents and get involved within the Better Together Community Support Group® for Stoke-on-Trent and NuL.

The early social interaction and bonding with other children and adults is vital for a healthy physical and mental development.[1]

[1] Public health England. 2021. ‘Children and Health in Early Years’. Available at: